Category: Uncategorized
Kristine McGuinty
Kristine McGuinty Kristine is a full time professional artist. Being creative has always been an important part of her life. She was a professional photographer for 19 years, now the paint brush is her “go to” tool for her creative expression. Her work is shaped from her love of nature and she wants her art…
Lorne Haas
Lorne Haas Hello. My name is Lorne Haas . I am a retired carpenter / woodworker and Safety and Health Advisor. I live locally and have lived in the Kootenays all my life . I have always had a love for wood and working with it to create things that are unique and are pleasing to…
Sharman Horwood
Sharman Horwood Although I come from a family of artists, I am self-taught. My mother and my sister were both artists, but I didn’t discover my interest in painting until 1993, when I moved to South Korea. I found that living in any of the Korean cities isolated me from the natural world, and I…
Simon Lazarchuk – Dancer, Instructor, retired Recreation Therapist, and Macrame artist.
I started macrame in the early 60’s and made, sold, and gave away many plant hangers, belts, headbands, chockers, hanging tables, and lampshades. As my knot vocabulary increased, I started designing my own pieces. After a long hiatus, I picked it up again when I moved to Riondel 7 years ago. The lake kept presenting me…